
From sand to glass

Prized by the ancient Egyptians, mentioned in the Holy Scriptures in the 5th century BC, described by Pliny the Elder two centuries before Christ, glass is one of the oldest materials manufactured by mankind. However, the formation obtained from powder granules heated to high temperature still contains shadow zones. It wasn’t until 2012 that a team of researchers led by the Frenchman Emmanuelle Gouillard (CNRS/Saint-Gobain) managed to visualize glass formation in real time on the inside of the material thanks to X-ray tomography, a powerful 3‑D imaging technique

2022 is the International Year of Glass

As 2022 is the International Year of Glass, inDUfed developped a series of videos on the Belgian glass sector:

  1. a general view on the sector
  2. the positive impact of glass on our lives
  3. how we use recycled glass
  4. sustainability in the sector
  5. what is the future of glass?

Discover the Belgian glass sector and spread our videos!


The Vitralys® app is the Belgian sectoral reference calculation tool for glazing thickness in accordance with the semi-probabilistic calculation method from the NBN S 23-002-2:2020 standard.

Compliance with standardization and the rules of the art is a top priority for the glass sector.